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1. What is CallExchange?

CallExchange enables all types of switched and VoIP carriers as well as entrepreneurs interested in building a pre/postpaid origination business to connect to a multinational worldwide hosted billing platform with access numbers spanning the globe. With CallExchange you can offer Prepaid and Postpaid calling cards, as well as VoIP access with customer premise equipment all at the same time.
CallExchange provides the hosted billing solution and customer management system, termination of minutes, technical expertise, and 24/7 customer support. By becoming an affiliate of CallExchange, half your work is done for you already.

Dozens of companies have already joined CallExchange, which benefits you with an extensive list of access numbers using ANI/Caller-ID or PIN based authentication, as well as IP access.

The math is easy - use one of our affiliates existing PSTN access numbers or VoIP access and there is ZERO investment on your part; or, if you decide to build your own access point (POP) for a small investment, you can earn commissions on other affiliates customers when they use your access number.

2. How do my clients place calls using CallExchange?

You can provide access to your clients through any combination of the access methods listed below. Using one of our affiliates established access numbers, or by selling VoIP customer premise equipment to your customers - your startup costs are ZERO.

Dial-in via already established access numbers

Your clients dial-in to an access number already established by one of our affiliates. In this scenario you do NOT need to purchase any equipment or telephone lines from the local phone company.

3. How do I start using CallExchange?

Becoming an affiliate of CallExchange is very easy;

here are the steps required:

  1. Sign-Up to start setting up your account.
  2. Decide how you will provide access to your Dclients.
  3. CallExchange sales and technical personnel will work with you to configure your company's management account
  4. Be approved for a credit line or make a small deposit (as low as $100)
  5. Brand your service
  6. Begin marketing your service

Depending on how you provide access to your customers you can be up and running in less than 24 hours.

4. How do I manage my clients?

All management of CallExchange can be performed via any computer with a web browser that has an internet connection - 24 hours a day.

Management includes:

    Client details
  1. Client Accounts
  2. ANI/Caller-ID and PIN authentication
  3. VoIP customer premise equipment authentication
  4. Credit limits and deposits

5. What are the cost benefits?

What are the cost benefits?

If you are new to the retail telecom market and/or do not have significant startup capital, CallExchange is the place for you to start!

Using CallExchange has a number of both non re-occurring (NRC) and monthly re-occurring (MRC) cost benefits. The table below shows the difference between starting/moving your business to CallExchange and using other software/hardware systems to manage your retail telecom business. Costs used in the table are conservative numbers.

6. Who sets the rates I charge my customers?

Who sets the rates I charge my customers?

With CallExchange, you set your own rates and duration (billing steps). You can create as many rate profiles as you want to meet your specific market demand.

CallExchange can terminate your customer's calls worldwide - to landline, mobile, satellite, and special services numbers.

Ask yourself the following when comparing our rates to others:

7. How can I brand my business with CallExchange?

You can brand your company or service when connected to CallExchange in a number of ways:

  1. Prepaid calling cards - You print your cards with whatever logo, text, and graphics you choose.
  2. Marketing materials - You can print marketing materials such as flyers, billboards, posters, and other advertisements.

Regardless of how your customers place calls using CallExchange you have a solution that

Regardless of how your customers place calls using CallExchange, you have a solution that seamlessly integrates with their preferred communication channels. Whether they dial directly from their phones, use a web-based interface, or leverage a mobile app, CallExchange ensures a consistent and reliable experience:

  1. Manages your clients and their credit limits
  2. Manages your rates
  3. Allows you to offer VoIP premise equipment to your customers
  4. Provides you with additional access numbers in other countries
  5. Provides you with termination of all calls your customers place
  6. Can be managed via a web browser
  7. Many additional features - Click here to see more
  1. Benefits: The startup costs for this scenario are $0.00 and you can start immediately selling service.
  2. Drawbacks: You pay a commission for all successful calls that originate from an affiliate's access numbers.
  3. Notes: If you decide later to deploy your own access number you can easily do so and reduce your per minute costs.

Dial-in via your access number

Your clients dial-in to an access number you establish. In order to accomplish this you will need to purchase and deploy a VoIP gateway that is supported by CallExchange; order suitable lines from your local phone company to a location where your VoIP gateway will be placed; and order a stable high quality internet connection to the location you will house your VoIP gateway.

  1. Benefits: You control your access number. Lower costs per minute for calls. You can make your access number available to other affiliates clients of CallExchange and earn per-minute commissions on all calls completed from your access number.
  2. Drawbacks: Startup costs are higher. If you do not already have equipment, lines, internet, and a location this scenario will take time to implement.
  3. Notes: We can provide you with technical assistance in establishing your own access numbers.

Customers call via VoIP Customer Premise Equipment

You deploy VoIP CPE (customer premise equipment) to your client's locations. You can sell to your clients VoIP devices which are compatible with the CallExchange and they use their dial-up or broadband internet connection to place calls via CallExchange. An additional benefit of this is that you can charge less for calls between devices or choose to allow your customers to make calls between devices for free.

  1. Benefits: The startup costs for this scenario are $0.00 and you can start immediately selling service. No access number for your customers to call into. No core equipment/infrastructure to deploy you sell your customers their CPE. You can choose to charge your customers less for calling other customers with VoIP software or CPE.
  2. Drawbacks: None.
  3. Notes: We can assist you in deploying CPE.

Customers call via their PC with SIP based client software

Your clients use software on their PC's along with a microphone and speakers (or headphones) to place calls over their internet connection.

  1. Benefits: The startup costs for this scenario are $0.00 and you can start immediately selling service. No access number for your customers to call into. No core equipment/infrastructure to deploy or customer premise equipment to sell or install. You can choose to charge your customers less for calling other customers with VoIP software or CPE.
  2. Drawbacks: Since this solution relies on the customers PC being turned on and working properly it is not as flexible or reliable as deploying CPE.
  3. Notes: We can assist you with installing software.

Call from the Web page

Customers call via their PC using a regular internet browser with a microphone and speakers (or headphones) to place calls over their internet connection. This scenario does not require the customer to install any software on their computer.

  1. Benefits: The startup costs for this scenario are $0.00 and you can start immediately selling service. No access number for your customers to call into. No core equipment/infrastructure to deploy or customer premise equipment to sell or install. No software to install on the customers computer. You can choose to charge your customers less for calling other customers with VoIP software or CPE.
  2. Drawbacks: Since this solution relies on the customers PC being turned on and working properly it is not as flexible or reliable as deploying CPE.
  3. Notes: Coming soon!
    Rates interface on the web site
  1. Rates
  2. Can be managed via a web browser
  3. Invoicing
  4. Much more - click here to see detailed feature list
Windows Rate software

Advanced rate management can be achieved by using our rate software which runs on Microsoft Windows.

The rate software allows you to copy rate profiles, perform markups/markdowns based on buying rates, other rate profiles, percentage, minimum and maximums. All rates can be exported to XML for advertising or other purposes.

All management and traffic statistics are in REAL-TIME.

CallExchange Third party solution
Initial setup $0.00 $0.00 $10,000.00+* $200.00+**
Hosting of servers and equipment $0.00 $0.00 $700.00+ $700.00+
IP Bandwidth for servers and VoIP access $0.00 $0.00 $300+ $300+
Telephone lines for customer dial in access $0.00 $0.00 $700+ $500+
Connections to multiple Tier 1 carriers to terminate your customers traffic $0.00 $0.00 $1500.00+ $1500.00+
Estimated minimum Startup and Monthly costs $0.00 $0.00 $13,200.00+ $3,200.00+
  1. * for hardware and software
  2. ** for maintenance contracts

The above example assumes you will be using existing CallExchange affiliate access numbers and/or VoIP access. Should you decide to deploy your own access numbers/POP's there will be startup and monthly costs to maintain them. When deploying your own access numbers your costs will still be lower when using CallExchange.

Do you need to provide your own retail billing and management platform?
Other carriers

With many other carriers you will need to purchase and build your own retail billing and management system - see "What are the cost benefits"


CallExchange provides you with a turnkey hosted solution - eliminating or minimizing startup and monthly costs.

Do you have enough traffic?
Other carriers

Many Tier 1 carriers and exchanges impose monthly minimums on traffic to interconnect with them. If you are doing less than 1 million minutes per month you may not be able to connect to Tier 1 carriers.


CallExchange provides service whether you are doing 10,000 or 10,000,000 minutes per month.

Completion of your clients calls?
Other carriers

Many carriers can provide discounted rates, but do they have high completion ratios? If your clients calls do not go through you make nothing on them (you may even lose money in some cases). Poor quality also leads to unsatisfied customers.


CallExchange has interconnections with multiple Tier 1 carriers and offers exceptional service worldwide.

In addition you can setup a website for your company and within minutes provide a login for your clients to see:

  1. Account summary in real time
  2. Current and previous invoices
  3. Call activity in real time since their last invoice was issued
  4. Rates
  5. Account information and contracts
  6. Ability to change their email address (username), and password
  7. Ability to receive their password via email if they have lost it

All the features listed above can be achieved easily by placing a frame within your website that links to CallExchange.

To see how this would look please move your mouse over the image below.

You do not have to indicate that you are using CallExchange to provide service in your marketing materials or on your website.